Article Archives


Promoting Your Band … Have No Fear!

by Ray Rocha, editor, Music Insider Magazine

I recently had a conversation with some musician friends about how to go about promoting our projects.  None of us are “rock stars”, but we’ve all been forming, playing, performing and promoting bands …

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Make Your Fan Base Soar

Shining a spotlight on your newsletter
by Meryl Evans, editor of Professional Services Journal

You click “send” and anxiously wait to see the newsletter’s success rates. That darn “number of subscribers added” number won’t budge, or maybe it changes a …

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The Musicians Guide to Google +

by Ariel Publicity

A few months ago, Google introduced their own social networking platform with the intention of entering the ring to contend for the social media crown against the likes of Facebook and Twitter. This platform, simply dubbed Google …

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Growing Your Fan Base

Business development (targeted outreach)
by Hank Stroll

  • Associations – Associations are probably the best place to go to find the largest number of email addresses. Establishing a relationship with the association, and allowing their message to become a part of
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Growing Your Fan Base

How to handle your existing email addresses
by Hank Stroll

Having an email database is extremely important when trying to get the word out about your band or company. Following these initial guidelines will help you to increase the number …

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