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Make More Money

by following the 10,000 hour principle using YouTube
by Steve Kayser

There is nothing better than playing music live, doing it well and seeing the crowd respond — besides, of course, doing that and also getting paid for it. But …

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Music Marketing

Fact Checking

The quest for truth
by Tamara Halbritter

In a murder investigation, a cold case detective may work closely with a professional forensic analyst to review evidence and facts. In the music industry, you also need to seek the truth to …

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Hitting it Big in a Saturated Market

How do you sell yourself to those who have never seen you live?
by Chris Hulbert

Today’s music business has become an ever-morphing entity where everything can change in an instant. Before you even think about walking into a meeting, …

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Hitting It Big in a Saturated Market

How do you sell yourself to those who have never seen you live?
by Chris Hulbert

Today’s music business has become an ever-morphing entity where everything can change in an instant. Before you even think about walking into a meeting, …

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Using Social Media to Promote the Music Business

6 real-world examples from successful artists
by Steve Kayser

Social Media MarketingFor most of us, music is entertainment. But for the artists who create it, it’s their life, livelihood, business — the way they pay their bills. Social media as a force …

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Building Your ‘Musical Village’

3 foundational requirements
by Stephen Stern, executive editor

Short of going viral, Gangnam Style, busting through the density of the entertainment lithosphere takes a village — a village far different in mindset and skillset than a decade ago and, to …

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